Facility Cleaning & Safety

Your One-Stop Resource For Liquid Safety Solutions!

Rags, wipers and absorbents can play a critical role in facility cleanliness, safety and compliance. FyterTech Nonwovens products help you with your daily cleaning regimen; prevent slips, trips and falls; meet OSHA and EPA guidelines; and be prepared when that spill does happen. Here are a few resources to help you find your next solution before you browse the rest of our site.


Reclaimed Rags:

Primarily from t-shirts and sweats, these are an economical, general purpose wipe and absorbent.

Sell Sheet

Review All Of Our Rag Options

Disinfecting Wipe Kit Pro:

An easy-to-use, professional cleaning solution featuring 300 wipes per kit and an EPA List "N" Disinfectant Cleaner concentrate - 128 E-FECTicide from Multi-Clean

Sell Sheet

Spilfyter Alcohol Wet Wipes:

75% alcohol antibacterial hand and surface wipe kills 99.99% of viruses and bacteria.

Sell Sheet

Additional Sales Materials:

Facilities Management Digital Brochure

GT Series Wiper Flyer

For more information or to find your regional sales representative, call (800) 615-8699 or email cs@fytertech.com